Hippo uses a special file called HIPPOFACTS to describe how to map an application to a Wagi service. A typical HIPPOFACTS file does three things:

  • It describes an application so that the application can be packaged by Bindle.
  • It maps relative URL paths (e.g. /hello) to handlers (e.g. hello.wasm)
  • It attaches supporting files, like CSS, images, or JS, to a particular handler

A HIPPOFACTS file must be written in TOML. See Configure an application with HIPPOFACTS for additional details on how this file is used.

# Define metadata about the application
  name = "Name of the application"
  version = "1.2.3" # Must be semver v2, without leading v prefix
  description = "Optional description of the application"
  authors = ["Your Name", "Another Name"] # Optional list of application authors

# Define one or more request handlers
  route = "/endpoint1" # Request path that should be handled by a WebAssembly module
  name = "bin/myapp1.wasm" # Relative path to a WebAssembly module that should handle the request
  files = ["images/*.jpg", "images/logos/myapp1.png"] # Optional list of files to deploy with the module


The bindle section defines metadata about your application:

  • name: The name of the application
  • version: The application version. Follows [semver v2] and does not allow a leading v prefix.
  • description: OPTIONAL. A plaintext description of the application.
  • authors: OPTIONAL. A list of author names.


The handler entries can be repeated as many times as needed. Handlers define endpoints for your application and the WebAssembly module that should receive requests.

  • route: The request path. It should start a leading forward slash /.
    • If you want to tell a handler to support all sub-paths, you can add the /... suffix to the route. For example, /hello/... will match /hello/world and /hello/wasm/world.
  • name: Relative path to the WebAssembly module (*.wasm file) that should handle the request.
  • files: OPTIONAL. A list of relative file paths of static files that should be deployed with the WebAssembly module. These files are available to the module when it is serving requests.